“HUNT THE GAIN” is a short term investment service which recommends trading ideas in fundamentally good stocks which are recommended based on TECHNOFUNDA analysis. HUNT GAIN offers a smart views and timely actionable trading ideas by creating a balance between the two most popular investing disciplines-fundamental and technical. We provides best trading tips in Bangalore for best stocks to buy in Indian Stock Market.
WealthStep Short term Investment analyst have years of experience of Selecting fundamentally strong businesses using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis. These stocks are selected through deep research and data analysis.
WealthStep ‘Hunt The Gain’ team of technical research analysts have years of experience in following technical trends and spotting the opportunities from their analysis.
Key Traits:
- 2-3 stock recommendation per month
- Holding period of 15-20 days
- Expected Accuracy is 75-80%.
- 10-15% expected return on each recommendation
- Direct access to the research analyst
- Recommendation via whatsapp followed by phone call
- Dedicated relationship manager
- Weekly review on existing holdings.
Derivative trading is a type of financial trading that involves the use of derivatives. Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset, such as a stock, commodity, or currency. Derivatives can be leveraged instruments, which mean that you can control a large amount of the underlying asset with a small amount of money. This can magnify your profits, but it can also magnify your losses.
Futures’ trading is a type of derivative trading that involves the purchase or sale of a contract to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on a future date. The asset can be a commodity, such as oil or gold, or a financial instrument, such as a stock index or currency.
There are two main reasons why people trade futures:
- Speculation: To profit from price movements in the underlying asset.
- Hedging: To protect against losses from price movements in the underlying asset.
Speculation is the most common reason why people trade futures. Speculators try to predict the direction of the price of the underlying asset and then buy or sell futures contracts accordingly. If the price of the asset goes in the direction that they predicted, they will make a profit. If the price of the asset goes in the opposite direction, they will lose money.
Hedging is a way to protect against losses from price movements in the underlying asset. For example, a farmer might hedge against the risk of falling crop prices by buying futures contracts on corn. If the price of corn falls, the farmer will lose money on their crop, but they will make money on their futures contracts. This will help to offset their losses.
Futures trading can be a complex and risky investment. It is important to understand the risks involved before you start trading futures. If you are considering trading futures, you should speak to a financial advisor to get more information.
Stock market is completely based on speculations – intelligent predictions based on industry dynamics, economic stability as well as political sentiments. Market prices today are an indication of tomorrow’s sentiments and prospects. Talking of speculations, derivatives market leads the path. The investment decisions are completely based on future prospects and hence, should be based on sound knowledge and experience.
Derivatives, per se, are not products in themselves. Rather, they derive value from an underlying asset – be it stock, currency, commodity or any other negotiable instruments. As a result of this, customers must possess in-depth knowledge and insight on the historic trends and future sentiments of the underlying assets.
We, at Wealthstep, focus on each and every macro-economic event and their after-effects on the valuation of stocks. Extensive research is carried out to establish statistical
correlation between the risks vis-a-vis returns associated with each of the traded assets, and based on the findings; customers are advised to channelize their investment appropriately. Investors are always encouraged to invest in a portfolio, comprising products which show diverse behavior and patterns. This makes sure that the risk is diverted and the net risk at stake is low.
We have designed packages for positional trading tips for futures for the people who want to book more profits by taking a little bit risk. By subscribing this package, you can get good calls for positional future trading tips & earn a sound profit for your invested capital.
Having a highly qualified & well-experienced team of financial analysts, Wealthstep is proficient in providing very accurate positional derivatives trading tips to traders by understanding their financial needs & requirements. In a short time-period, we have earned well-reputation in the market for providing future trading tips to the people.