Ride the momentum
Fundamentally strong companies selected through Top-Down fundamental research approach with technical analysis. We provide stock market tips in bangalore.
WealthStep medium term Investment analyst have years of experience of Selecting fundamentally strong businesses using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis. These stocks are selected through deep research and data analysis including past performance, quality of the promoters and management, growth perspective of the industry and competitive advantage of the business over its competitors.
WeathStep selects the medium term investment stocks using following
The WEALTHSTEP research undertakes scrupulous basic analysis of the shortlisted potential stocks. These potential stock must meet parameters such as earnings growth, profitability parameters, management experience and competence, return on equity(ROE) benchmarks, competition analysis, etc.
The stocks meet fundamental criterion are further shortlisted through WealthStep technical framework in order to identify the right ‘entry’ point indicating a good BUY price range, which will fortify probability of projected gains within specified time frame.
Once Stock meets all parameters they are recommended to our clients. All open Position are tracked actively and review reports are sent to the clients if required.
Key Traits:
- 2-3 stock recommendation per month
- Holding period of 3-6 months
- 25-30% expected return on each recommendation
- Direct access to the research analyst
- Recommendation via email followed by a phone call and SMS
- Dedicated relationship manager
- Review on existing holdings